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11 Insurance Memes You Can Relate To

We can all use a break from the seriousness of life from time to time, even us insurance agents. After all, we're human too! Here are 11 hilarious insurance memes everyone can relate to.

1. When it's time for a new policy:

2. When the truth comes out:

3. Two rules for new parents - never wake a sleeping baby and always have life insurance:

4. We can put in 40 hours in the first half of our week:

5. There's a lot of talk about accidents, injuries, and broken bones:

6. We've pondered this for hours:

7. Some insurance agents won't take no for an answer:

8. Good thing the duck has life insurance in case it crosses paths with Gordon Ramsay:

9. The result of the most expensive health care system in the world:

10. Every health insurance agent on November 14th:

11. Even though we manage risk for a living, we too like to live on the edge sometimes:

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