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Disability Insurance Applicaiton

Protect what you've worked so hard to accomplish.


Let us help.

Your income helps you pay for your home, transportation, food, childcare – the list goes on. It’s a key part of many of your accomplishments. That’s why protecting it should be a priority. You may not know how to get started. That’s okay – we’re here to help you navigate the basics. An Individual Disability Income (DI) insurance policy provides you monthly payments when you can’t work due to a disabling illness or injury.


• Think of disability insurance as your personal safety net. With it you can focus on taking care of yourself, instead of worrying about how you’ll pay the bills.

• It can help you avoid serious financial consequences, like dipping into savings or retirement assets, when you’re not working.


That’s why many insurance professionals consider income protection to be an essential part of any checklist.

Know the facts


Maybe you’ve done some additional research online, or have asked friends or family members about income protection. If you have, you may have run across some of these common misconceptions:


“It won’t happen to me – I’m pretty active and expect to stay healthy.”


➢ We can’t predict the future and what our health will be. Most disabilities are caused by unexpected illnesses, such as cancer, heart conditions and strokes.


“Disability insurance isn’t something I can afford.”


➢ In many cases, you can own a policy for as little as a month of daily premium coffee purchases. Coverage is designed to be flexible and can be customized to your specific needs and budget.


“I already have coverage through my employer and/or the government.”


➢ The disability insurance you have at your job is a great start, but it’s not always enough. The same is true for Social Security disability benefits, which can be challenging to obtain. Individual disability coverage can be a great supplement to either or both options

You're in control


Individual DI insurance helps you deal with these realities. Having your own coverage puts you in the driver’s seat of securing your financial foundation and gives you one more thing to check off your list of financial “to do’.” A disability policy:


➢ Allows you to lock in the cost of the coverage you’ve built to fit your budget

➢ Is flexible and can be modified as your needs change

This is not an application for insurance. This form is used exclusively to gather specific information on a proposed insured’s medical history and other factors that may impact underwriting and rate classification. Not all options and riders are available with each policy. We will illustrate as close to the options you select based on the availability of the policy.

This is not an application for insurance. This form is used exclusively to gather specific information on a proposed insured’s medical history and other factors that may impact underwriting and rate classification. Not all options and riders are available with each policy. We will illustrate as close to the options you select based on the availability of the policy.

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